Create a Product They Actually Want to Use

Your customers interact with your company everyday through your product. Make every experience exceptional with adoption-driving engagements and robust usage analytics in Gainsight PX.

Get the rich product insights you need.

  • Save time by instantly capturing every interaction across all devices, channels, and touchpoints – no tagging or code required
  • Unify behavioral, contextual and transactional data across users, accounts or custom segments for a more complete view
  • Make better decisions with fully integrated reports designed to help you measure and visualize every aspect of your user experience

Create elegant product experiences without a line of code.

  • Personalize the product experience for every user at scale with contextual and timely engagements
  • Accelerate product adoption by putting a spotlight on new or critical features and then guiding users at scale on how to use it
  • Reduce product escalations by enabling users to learn your product while finding the answers to common questions without ever needing to contact support

Gather valuable user feedback.

  • Increase relevancy of user feedback by triggering in-product surveys to specific segments, or to users after specific product usage requirements are met
  • Flexible survey options allow you to create custom, multi-question, multiple-choice, ratings and open-ended surveys
  • Track and improve product experience over time and provide visibility into results across the company

“The health scorecard is massive. I can finally engineer for Customer Success and not just rely on soft skills or good situational awareness and instincts about when we should do what and how we should handle customers. Our adoption health score gives us exposure to usage risks that need our attention.”

Dino Kuckovic

Customer Experience Manager

Additional Resources


The Essential Guide to Product Experience

Look around you. How many people are on their computer? Their cell phone? We’re surrounded by digital experiences, both at work and at home. Whether you’re a SaaS or cloud business, or if a digital experience is just one facet of your offerings, it’s imperative that you deliver an amazing product experience.


Bizzabo Increases Customer Satisfaction and Retention with Gainsight and Gainsight PX

As the world’s fastest-growing event tech company, Bizzabo had to find a way to engage all their customers, without sacrificing quality.


The In-App Engagement Starter Kit

Helping customers is good. Pestering them is bad. How do you strike a balance when talking to them inside your product?

Get started today