It seems that every news story, tech product release, group chat, and even dinner table conversation eventually gets around to AI. And rightly so: AI is already changing how we do business—and how we live—more quickly than any technology before it.

The State of AI in Customer Success, 2024 report delves deep into the pivotal role AI plays in transforming how businesses engage with their customers. It’s more than just a technological innovation; it’s becoming a lifeline for organizations striving to stay competitive, deliver impeccable service, and ensure customer loyalty.

In this report, we share insights from 175 companies across the globe, representing a wide range of company sizes, industry segments and geographic locations.

Here are a few of the takeaways we’ve learned:

  • More than 50% of Customer Success (CS) organizations are currently using AI, but it’s not yet considered essential. AI is primarily used as a tool for individual productivity, but its adoption is rapidly increasing.
  • AI is seen as a tool for increasing productivity and most AI usage is driven by individual team members rather than leadership.
  • Smaller startups and large enterprises lead in AI adoption. Startups benefit from fewer compliance hurdles, while large enterprises have the resources to test and implement generative AI effectively.

Are you ready to shape your customer success strategy for the future, harnessing the power of AI? Download The State of AI in Customer Success, 2024 report now and step into a world where AI is the driving force for efficient and profitable growth. You can also view the detailed data thanks to our partner Benchmarkit. 


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