Gainsight Marketplace
Automatically create new onboarding projects using standardized templates and better manager CS handoff
Gain added insights into their customers' overall engagement and satisfaction levels and serve up resources that will ensure their customers' success
Incorporate learning data like course completion rates and progress into a customer's overall health score
Streamline communication between Product and CS to more efficiently close the feedback loop with customers
Push product feedback submitted through the Gainsight PX Knowledge Center Bot to Productboard as notes
Implement and onboard new customers with repeatable playbooks and create on-demand visibility into onboarding projects and customer sentiments
Build reports and orchestrate actions as required through CTAs, and distribute the reports to internal teams
Drive lifelong loyalty with tangible rewards and tokens of appreciation that your customers will actually enjoy
Allow a seamless flow of TaskRay’s customer onboarding health scores into Gainsight, giving CS teams everything they need to take a proactive approach to customer…
Discover and map personal data in seconds, operationalize the privacy request workflow, and unify email preferences across all customer-facing applications
Understand how your users are interacting and focus on the right users and right recordings
Enables sales and customer success with tangible evidence of your value for both pre-sales and post-deployment
Leverage incentives and instant rewards to generate more actionable data for stronger decision making and business results
Measure, track and communicate quantified value and the economic impact of Gainsight's solutions across a customer’s lifetime
Create powerful data policies and workflows using a groundbreaking visual user experience
Quantify the value promised in the sales process and seamlessly compare the value actually delivered in customer success
Leverage your existing customer data to drive the outcomes your customers need.
The Gainsight and Salesforce integration centralizes your existing customer data to surface important insights and actions for your customers
Leverage customer training and engagement data as a key determinant of customer health and product adoption.
Create, manage, monetize, distribute, and analyze end-to-end customer training initiatives through a modern, user-friendly interface.