Top Questions CIOs Should Ask Their Customer Success Platform Provider Image

Top Questions CIOs Should Ask Their Customer Success Platform Provider

The success of any organization relies, in part, on the right tech stack. For enterprise organizations, specifically, deciding on the right tech stack requires CIOs to think more in terms of partnerships than simple subscriptions.

Concerns of scale, security, and power all stay top of mind for CIOs. “Scale is important—I need vendors I can grow with both in data volume, and complexity,” shares Karl Mosgofian, CIO, Gainsight. “It’s also a chance to streamline vendors, so I’m always on the lookout for platforms that offer end-to-end capabilities rather than just point solutions.”

CIO’s need to solve for today’s needs and whatever the future will bring. To help make that process smoother, there are a few questions every CIO should ask when evaluating a post-sales technology, like your customer success platform (CSP).

No matter which CSP your team is considering, these questions will clarify whether they can meet the demands of your CSMs and help grow your business.

1. What Are Examples of Long-Term Partnership Success?

Any established enterprise needs a proven CSP. While years in business don’t always equate directly to successful long-term partnerships, it’s usually a great place to start. As the CIO, ask for references from existing enterprise customers with similar structures and demands as your organization.

Ask both the customers and the CSP about the relationships between the different departments in each company, particularly how they communicate with other CIOs. Ask about how the product updates are communicated, how specific use-cases are addressed, and any surprises they encountered during onboarding.

Insights into how the CSP supports your team, both technologically and interpersonally, will show you which is the right one for you. “Business technology is as much about business as it is about technology—I need vendors who can help bring best practice as well as strong technology” shares Mosgofian.

2. What Are the Security Measures and Compliance Standards?

According to Cisco,  86% of Americans are concerned about their privacy. The general public continues to grow more aware of what their data is and who they share it with. As such, your enterprise needs reassurance that each of the tools in your tech stack meets your level of security and compliance.

Beyond the individual data, payment, and confidentiality standards, ask about the procedures and protocols in place should the worst-case scenario happen. Of course, the hope is the worst-case will never happen. But the right CS partner will have a proactive plan, rather than wait to react. Most of all, look for the CSP that goes above and beyond so that your team is protected, and your customers can trust your enterprise.

3. What About AI?

One constant companies of every size can count on is an increase in customer expectations. For enterprise companies, that means your CSMs need to cater to a wide variety of needs. Rather than adding headcount, enterprises can lean on AI technology to make teams efficient and ensure they never miss an expansion opportunity.

When considering a new CSP, CIOs need to know everything they can about how the solution uses AI. Find out the company’s philosophy about AI in general. For example, do they take a human-first approach to how AI features are implemented? Or do they add features as quickly as possible? Ask about training programs and the support available. Most importantly, ask: How does this AI differ from other point solutions on the market? Does it overlap with other AI in your existing tech stack? All of these answers will bring you closer to understanding which CSP will set you up for future success.

4. What Can We Replace?

Finally, and most importantly, ask what can be replaced from your current tech stack. A future-proof CSP supports the entire post-sales customer journey. Your enterprise should invest in the solution that takes the most comprehensive approach to customer success. “As a CIO, I’m not just looking for technology—we need comprehensive business solutions that address major processes like the entire post-sales journey,” Mosgofian adds.

Managing all customer-related information on a single platform not only streamlines your processes, but it helps reduce spend and makes information sharing much easier across teams. Make sure to give the CSP team a list of your current tech stack, what you’re hoping to replace immediately, and what you might want to replace in the future. Ask them if they have a product roadmap that matches your plans. While it may not be a one-to-one match, you should be able to come close with the right CSP.

Learn More

No matter what your enterprise organization needs, there is a CSP to help you support your current customers while continuing to scale your growth. Learn more in our ebook, Buyer’s Guide: Select a Customer Success Platform to Grow With